Monday, October 4, 2010

Exhilaration & Hyperventilation in Paris

First Paris BreakfastFor Picnic Lovers
For make-up loversOh the shoes!
Am in an hourly cycle of exhilaration, hyperventilation and then flickers of desperation as there is so much to see, so many eye widening moments and how zee ell am I going to cover it all. AHHH - its sooo gooood! Running around like a mad woman from Premiere Classe to Tranoi to Zip Zone Lourve - in love with amazing fringed leather bags, the lightest cashmere printed scarves, woven hats in incredible shapes, leather headbands - and found this amazing Italian fashion label who has developed a weaving technique that creates fabric from silk to silk cotton to cotton - all in the one pair of pantaloons - unbelievable! So many talented people - all showing their wares - brilliant.

adieu, Sophie x

1 comment:

  1. Sophie, am soo jealous and can't wait to see all the gorgeous little things you have found! Enjoy sweetie, enjoy! Au revoir xxx Deb C
